Quaint ramblings and occasional reflections of a journeying Aussie musician...

27 April 2006


My dad used to by the odd lottery ticket now and then, or go place some bets on the horses on a Saturday afternoon, and so in a similar vein, to break up the routine, I bought a copy of Esquire magazine this morning. Apparently there's some tips in there on how to be a perfect gentleman, as well as some revealing (but not pornographic) pictures of big busty blonde chicks. I'm appreciative of women in all their beautiful forms, but sometimes....and then I was thinking that this is kind of contradictory of me really....
Ever since I can remember, I've built up this stereotype in my head of the guys that get all the girls. Back in home town in rural New South Wales, it was the footy jocks, all built up like stockings full of chestnuts in their blue and white Coota Bulldogs jackets, not-real-bright-but-can-lift-big-weights, some small dolled up platinum blonde accompaniment by their side. Those guys seemed to get all the hot girls in town looking at them. I felt about ten thousand light years away....
In Canberra they were still around, but their presence was a lot less stifling as there were new and different people to meet who were into other things like books and music and compound sentences....
So it happened that this breed seemed to vanish out of my general milieu for a while....then D-Funk and I went out for his birthday at my favourite club in town last year. They were everywhere! battalions of them, just in a slightly different form....spiked up hair, collared white or stripey shirt, blue jeans, chiseled jaw, some sort of arrogant look....and sure enough, there were the accompaniments, by their sides.
So then, how can I despise that male stereotype so much, that apparently gets all the girls, have my own things that I look for in women, and still have my head turned by the latest vacant-eyed stereotyped bombshell on a magazine cover?
That male stereotype is all crap anyway....all you gotta do is dress right, talk right, laugh and a smile, and it's a start. And of course, why would I want to go for girls that are after Mr Brainless Human Sandbag anyway?
I'm Oz, professional musician, in central London, I can converse with people reasonably well on a wide variety of subjects, I dress all right.....I like to think I have a couple of things going for me, and yet out there on my horizon there's nobody. None at all.
But then again, in the near future, that could change....


Sherd said...

Stay true to yourself Mr Guy! The male stereotype certainly doesn't get this girl. Especially not the stupid-hair collar-up variety. I say to them pishk, go find yourself a bimbette!

Sure I like to admire a nice set of shoulders from time to time, but as a general rule good conversation is much more attractive than good abs.

Anyway, I too have a clear horizon, but it's the broad expanse of freedom, buddy! Remember my friend, single does not equal desperate. Freedom of choice does not mean obligation to choose. And don't ever let anyone tell you that your standards are too high.

I seem to be ranting all over your blog. My apologies. I'll stop now.

Anonymous said...

Mr G...

Stop stressing and have fun...

Males/Females and the inbetweens... they pick up the vibe whether it's that I'm desperate vibe, or the I want you for body paint vibe.

Relax have fun if the people around you can't handle you being you it's their issue not yours.

As for the babe on page 4. shes rather shallow when it comes time to hold her all night long she just doesn't cut it.


Keep Grooving

Sherd said...

I want to join myspace now just because you did. Cos you know how I like to do everything you do. Except for the musician thing. And the London thing. Hmmm. I think I need another beer. Noice.

It's page 3 dude. Page 3.

Sherd said...

By the way I am not drunk at 8am. It's 6pm. Stupid time difference.

Nina said...

I agree with the Sherd's comments regarding women smelling desperation. It's totally true, for both sexes!
Don't be in such a rush! Embrace your singledom! And I'm not saying this from a smug-in-a-relationship point of view, but more from a single for 2 years point of view. Just enoy it and keep having fun!

And come and visit me soon!
We miss you here in Hel and the cold is gone now!

Nina said...

Whoops, it wasn't Sherd's comments, but anon's comments. Either way, it's true!