Quaint ramblings and occasional reflections of a journeying Aussie musician...

09 February 2006

Song Song

I get funny periods in my day now where I'm just feeling...okay, like I'm just living. I was catching the tube into work the other morning listening to Jeff Buckley (believe it or not), and I guess it was a bit of a cliche, but just standing there in the tube, staring out the window, I felt...okay. No ruthless self-examination, no constant dissection of past events in one's personal history, no bubbling excitement of going to a gig, no...nothing. Just okay. And a bit neutral, like it's all going a bit tooooo well.....hmmm, is there something missing?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mike. It won't last.

Anonymous said...

The absence of pain is not pleasure and the absenceof pleasure is not always pain....

There is a lot of life between

Enjoy the journey.


Mike Guy said...
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Mike Guy said...

Was wondering if I should have written about there being something missing in my single, bachelor life...great to know that I've always got my mates...cheers fellas!