Quaint ramblings and occasional reflections of a journeying Aussie musician...

17 February 2006

Friday On My Mind...

Been getting into this Internet dating agency thing...the site I was part of wasn't doing it for me, so I decided to up the ante and found a more, let us say, romantically-oriented one? (Yes, there is still some nerd in me)....so I'm flicking through photos and stuff and a couple of ladies catch my eye, and so I sent them a 'virtual wink', whatever the hell that is! Like Sherds and GigPig have discovered, it's a hefty price to actually become a member and send them a message, but at the moment it's fun, you know, I'm just taking things nice and easy!
Anyhow, here's four random things I saw about town today:
* - Bounding down Edgware Road this afternoon, I passed two women holding babies, asking random strangers for money....for me that's a new one....
* - On the tube, a dog....kind of strange really....bit of a crap place for a dog to go, and it and the owner kept getting in everyone's way....dunno why it was there, felt a bit sorry for it....
* - Also on the tube, someone reading a book called 'How To Succeed', you know, one of those get rich quick thingys....I had to laugh, as I borrowed a book from housemate B entitled 'The Automatic Millionaire', and we joked about taking it on the tube and making exaggerated facial expressions (big eyes, nodding, smiling) of agreeance with it's (I'm sure) lofty principles...
* - The photo on the back of today's Metro (tube rag) of English skeleton sledder Shelley Rudman winning a silver medal at the Tornio winter olympics....if you skip past the double-page spread of the failure of Kyoto (complete with photos of polar bears and our 'impending 1000 year disaster'), there's Shelley, only been sledding for four years, looking totally ecstatic at being on the podium....in an age where we're used to ginormous sporting egos freely acknowledging how much the world loves them, here's someone who looks incredibly happy just to be there....bit of a treat, and she's kinda cute too....

Ahem, well, it's off to another bachelor friday evening with housemates, beer, last night's curry, maybe going out, maybe even talking to girls...Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Rowena said...

You mean you haven't been able to pull at the Walkabout?! Or you could pull one of the gypsies with babies asking for money; an instant family for a fiver! R (One of Nina's friends)