Quaint ramblings and occasional reflections of a journeying Aussie musician...

27 June 2006


Apologies for any of you waiting for new entries with baited breath, as it's been kinda nuts lately....just briefly, in a bizarre turn of events to go down in the annals of sharehousing, I've been homeless since Thursday, staying on the floor at Mr N's place, with my few belongings distributed amongst north London, until the new house comes together sometime towards the end of the week. I've got this new girl, but she's taking off, also at the end of the week. I think I'm about to lose some teaching for the new school year, but the gigs are up to about three a week which is good. Oh yeah, and my visa runs out in six months, and so in the face of challenging prospects I'm trying to figure out some way to stay here in this godforsaken maelstrom.....

Bloody hell!

Oh well, on with the show....

1 comment:

Sherd said...

Cool, breath unbated now.

Good luck with the housing shenanigans. At least it's warm...? When it's warm you don't need walls, so I'm told.

btw you totally confused people with that comment. I got emails saying "wtf did Mikey mean? Who's Johnny? What walls?"

Heh heh. Keep it up.